Your report has now been recorded and was assigned
the following reference number:
REPORT ID: 688389
The following information was recorded:
Category: Child Sexual Abuse Content
Internet Location: WWW
URL: Accepted
Thank you very much for contacting the Internet Watch Foundation.
Our role is to trace and assess potentially illegal content and then to work with the internet industry, police agencies, international Hotlines and other relevant bodies in the UK and abroad to have that content removed and potential offenders investigated. There may be occasions when potentially illegal websites reported to us remain active for a while after we have taken action to have them taken down. We keep this situation under constant review and persist in our efforts to have them removed.
Due to the volume of reports we process we regret that we are unable to reply personally to every incoming message. However please be assured that your report will be thoroughly investigated where possible within 24 hours of receipt during weekdays and the next working day after weekends or bank holidays unless exceptional circumstances prevail.
Have you been distressed by what you have seen?
We recognise that some people are upset or distressed by their experience of being exposed to the reported content. You may wish to consider talking about this experience with a friend, your GP or a professional counsellor as recommended by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. Visit their website at
Do you have concerns about the safety of a child?
If you think a child is in immediate risk call 999.
If you have immediate concerns about the safety of a child then please contact the NSPCC Child Protection Helpline on 0808 800 5000 or visit their website at
Are you worried about your own thoughts and behaviour towards children?
If you are worried about your own thoughts or behaviour towards children you can get help at the Stop it Now website at
The remainder of this response considers the various types of content which might be concerning you and explains whether we can deal with it and, if so, how we will act.
Reports of potentially illegal child sexual abuse content
If we find the content is hosted in the UK then we will work in partnership with the police and the ISP or host company to have the offender(s) investigated and the content taken down.
If the content is assessed as potentially illegal under domestic legislation but hosted outside the UK then we notify the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)(UK) who then disseminate that information to the relevant national law enforcement agency via Interpol.
If the country where the content is hosted operates a Hotline like ours then we will also notify them. A list of those countries providing hotlines can be found at
If we assess the content you reported as not to contain images of child sexual abuse but instead it depicts adult content then we can only take action if it is judged to be criminally obscene and is hosted in the UK
Criminal liability
If you have inadvertently accessed suspected child sexual abuse images online, or been the victim of an unsolicited email that possibly contained child sexual abuse content then we advise you to delete all records of the reported material from your computer. Under current UK law, accidental exposure to such content does not make you criminally liable, but we must advise you that this is not the case if you deliberately seek out such content.
We regularly monitor newsgroups. If a newsgroup is found to regularly contain indecent images of children or is advertising that fact then we have a system to recommend to all UK ISPs that they should not carry the suspect newsgroup.
Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
We are aware of many file sharing programs and realise that they are open to abuse. The services are based on a peer-to-peer system, without any ISP involvement.
The Police are responsible for investigating apparent criminal behaviour by individual internet users but we do pass on reports to the police. If you have information that could assist in identifying a crime or the prevention of crime, please notify your local police force.
Criminally obscene content
If the content you reported is verified as potentially illegal criminally obscene content hosted in the UK then we will work in partnership with the relevant police agency and the ISP or host company to have the content removed and the offender (s) investigated.
We cannot take any action if the content is hosted outside the UK.
Incitement to racial hatred
Our current remit permits us to consider potential incitement to racial hatred content providing it is hosted in the UK. In such cases we liaise with the police and the ISP or host company concerned. This might result in the removal of the content and a criminal investigation by the police.
As with criminally obscene material, we cannot take any action if the content is hosted outside the UK.
Filtering and blocking solutions
There are ways to prevent you and your family from being inadvertently exposed to potentially illegal or potentially harmful content. The most popular method is to install software on your computer that filters and blocks content that you don't want to see.
If you require further information on this report please use the feedback form provided on our website at Please remember to include your unique ID reference number.
We will endeavour to answer all requests for feedback as quickly as possible should a request be made. To find further information on what happens to your report please visit
Thank you for taking the time and trouble to submit your report. Together we can make a difference in minimizing the availability of illegal content on the internet.
V blogu na AbcLinuxu vyšel článek o policejním sledování mobilních telefonů. Autor píše o metodách, jak se PČR k datům dostává, o typech předávaných dat a nastiňuje možnosti, jak se sledování vyhnout.
Ministerstvo financí si nechalo vyrobit software za 2,5 miliardy. Bohužel se zjistilo, že vyvinutý software jim vlastně nepatří, a je potřeba ještě platit licence za používání - podobně jako u opencard. Přístup „vyvineme pro stát předražený software“ už zjevně není in. Dnes letí „vyvineme předražený software a pak ho státu ani nedáme, pouze licencujeme používání, nejlépe paušálem“.
ČNB pokračuje v manipulaci s kurzem Koruny. Výsledkem je dalších ~10 % inflace. Výsledkem je Dolar za 24 a Euro za 28,3. Koruna „díky“ zásahům za poslední rok a půl oslabila o čtvrtinu. Naše měna je pevná a měnová reforma nebude, všechno jsou to fámy, které šíří třídní nepřátelé.
Nabyl účinnosti Zákon o kybernetické bezpečnosti. Není dlouhý, takže si ho přečtěte a udělejte si vlastní názor :). Osobně mě zneklidňuje, že úřad může nařídit ISP provést „reaktivní opatření“, ale nikde nejsou žádné meze. Může být takové opatření „vypněte v ČR internet“?
Po mobilech, tiskárnách, glukometrech, autech… přichází výrobci s dalšími nápady, kam všude lze umístit DRM, technologii umožňující výrobci mít stálou kontrolu nad zařízením, které si uživatel koupil. Nejnověji se jedná o kávovar a kočičí záchůdek. Oboje vyžaduje proprietární cartridge, ve druhém případě s počítadlem životnosti, které po uplynutí výrobcem stanoveného počtu cyklů přístroj zablokuje a uživatel si musí koupit novou.
Dear Reporter, Your report
Dear Reporter,
Your report has now been recorded and was assigned
the following reference number:
REPORT ID: 688389
The following information was recorded:
Category: Child Sexual Abuse Content
Internet Location: WWW
URL: Accepted
Thank you very much for contacting the Internet Watch Foundation.
Our role is to trace and assess potentially illegal content and then to work with the internet industry, police agencies, international Hotlines and other relevant bodies in the UK and abroad to have that content removed and potential offenders investigated. There may be occasions when potentially illegal websites reported to us remain active for a while after we have taken action to have them taken down. We keep this situation under constant review and persist in our efforts to have them removed.
Due to the volume of reports we process we regret that we are unable to reply personally to every incoming message. However please be assured that your report will be thoroughly investigated where possible within 24 hours of receipt during weekdays and the next working day after weekends or bank holidays unless exceptional circumstances prevail.
Have you been distressed by what you have seen?
We recognise that some people are upset or distressed by their experience of being exposed to the reported content. You may wish to consider talking about this experience with a friend, your GP or a professional counsellor as recommended by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. Visit their website at
Do you have concerns about the safety of a child?
If you think a child is in immediate risk call 999.
If you have immediate concerns about the safety of a child then please contact the NSPCC Child Protection Helpline on 0808 800 5000 or visit their website at
Are you worried about your own thoughts and behaviour towards children?
If you are worried about your own thoughts or behaviour towards children you can get help at the Stop it Now website at
The remainder of this response considers the various types of content which might be concerning you and explains whether we can deal with it and, if so, how we will act.
Reports of potentially illegal child sexual abuse content
If we find the content is hosted in the UK then we will work in partnership with the police and the ISP or host company to have the offender(s) investigated and the content taken down.
If the content is assessed as potentially illegal under domestic legislation but hosted outside the UK then we notify the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)(UK) who then disseminate that information to the relevant national law enforcement agency via Interpol.
If the country where the content is hosted operates a Hotline like ours then we will also notify them. A list of those countries providing hotlines can be found at
If we assess the content you reported as not to contain images of child sexual abuse but instead it depicts adult content then we can only take action if it is judged to be criminally obscene and is hosted in the UK
Criminal liability
If you have inadvertently accessed suspected child sexual abuse images online, or been the victim of an unsolicited email that possibly contained child sexual abuse content then we advise you to delete all records of the reported material from your computer. Under current UK law, accidental exposure to such content does not make you criminally liable, but we must advise you that this is not the case if you deliberately seek out such content.
We regularly monitor newsgroups. If a newsgroup is found to regularly contain indecent images of children or is advertising that fact then we have a system to recommend to all UK ISPs that they should not carry the suspect newsgroup.
Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
We are aware of many file sharing programs and realise that they are open to abuse. The services are based on a peer-to-peer system, without any ISP involvement.
The Police are responsible for investigating apparent criminal behaviour by individual internet users but we do pass on reports to the police. If you have information that could assist in identifying a crime or the prevention of crime, please notify your local police force.
Criminally obscene content
If the content you reported is verified as potentially illegal criminally obscene content hosted in the UK then we will work in partnership with the relevant police agency and the ISP or host company to have the content removed and the offender (s) investigated.
We cannot take any action if the content is hosted outside the UK.
Incitement to racial hatred
Our current remit permits us to consider potential incitement to racial hatred content providing it is hosted in the UK. In such cases we liaise with the police and the ISP or host company concerned. This might result in the removal of the content and a criminal investigation by the police.
As with criminally obscene material, we cannot take any action if the content is hosted outside the UK.
Filtering and blocking solutions
There are ways to prevent you and your family from being inadvertently exposed to potentially illegal or potentially harmful content. The most popular method is to install software on your computer that filters and blocks content that you don't want to see.
If you require further information on this report please use the feedback form provided on our website at Please remember to include your unique ID reference number.
We will endeavour to answer all requests for feedback as quickly as possible should a request be made. To find further information on what happens to your report please visit
Thank you for taking the time and trouble to submit your report. Together we can make a difference in minimizing the availability of illegal content on the internet.